Children Festival @ Gardens by the Bay

Finally after everyone was recovering (that’s me) and had (the rest of them) recovered from the evil flu that invaded the Toh family, I decided to bring them to the Toy Story 4 Carnival at Gardens by the Bay. This event is from the 15th to the 30th of June, and we went on theContinue reading “Children Festival @ Gardens by the Bay”

A Day with Nature🌳🌷🐦

It was a pretty impromptu decision when I decided to bring the boys for a trip to the Singapore Botanic Gardens. It was also our little dinosaur’s (the one in the stripped shirt) 4th birthday and so I thought it would be nice if we can bask in the morning sun, take a stroll aroundContinue reading “A Day with Nature🌳🌷🐦”

Let’s go shoot some stars ⭐️! I mean arrows…. 🏹

D1 has been bugging us to bring him to shoot some stars, I mean arrows, and so his dad went to do some research and found this place call DM Archery, located at Turf Club. Price is reasonable for free shooting and they do have archery courses too. Worth checking them out! 👍 It’s notContinue reading “Let’s go shoot some stars ⭐️! I mean arrows…. 🏹”

Off to Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West playground we go! 🤗

Conveniently located opposite Ang Mo Kio library is this big outdoor sand playground, fit for kids of all ages (that’s in my opinion because we are all still kids inside right? Besides how do you resist building sandcastles?? 🙂 ) Just remember to bring along shovels, pails and whatever needed for the sandcastles (not forgettingContinue reading “Off to Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West playground we go! 🤗”

Play time for the Triple Ds

I’ve always wanted to bring the Triple Ds out on Sunday mornings but because of my busy boarding (I provide home boarding service for doggies aka a doggysitter) schedule, I usually couldn’t do it. Now that I’ve reduced my home boarding bookings, time to bring them out to drain their energy 😂. Duncan(my eldest D)Continue reading “Play time for the Triple Ds”